Hydroponics – All You Need to Know!
Can plants grow without soil? Is that even possible? Yes, the answer is we can grow plants without using soil as a medium; but how? Well, let’s discuss that in detail.
Hydroponics is the art of gardening without soil. In Greek, hydroponics means “working water”. So now when I say hydroponics, most people might imagine the roots of the plants suspended directly into the water in the absence of any growing medium; however, that is not completely true. Hydroponics can be defined in a better way where plants receive all the required nutrients for their growth in the soluble form whenever they are watered. Hence, to put it in its simplest form, using hydroponics you can grow plants in any medium by feeding nutrients rich water.
Now this might sound like a fascinating, hi-tech and forefront innovation, right? Yes, it is fascinating and involves the use of technology but has been in use for centuries. Hydroponics farming techniques had been mentioned in Egyptian records dated for several hundred years B.C. Moreover, in the second world war, portable hydroponic farms were used to provide food for the soldiers in the southern Pacific regions. Recently, factors like sudden climatic changes, frequent natural calamities, poor water quality, water scarcity, shortage of food, population explosion, etc. have influenced farmers and gardeners inclined towards this technique. Hydroponics is getting higher popularity among urban homes as well as commercial gardeners.

How does Hydroponics work and why does it work so well?
In Hydroponics, the plants are grown in an inert medium with direct provision of nutrient and oxygen-rich water to the roots. Hence, the energy otherwise expended by the roots in the process of nutrient absorption is rather utilized for vegetative growth, and also for fruiting and flowering. In essence, the intention of hydroponics is to break down or remove the blockades between roots and nutrients rich oxygenated water to foster rapid growth, stronger yields, and superior quality.
Advantages of Hydroponics
- Higher growth rate and higher yields
- Year-round production and better control
- Lesser space requirement
- 90% more efficient use of water
- Fewer pests and diseases hence lesser use of insecticide, and herbicides
We have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics in detail here.
Is Hydroponics is farming of the future?
Many maintain that hydroponics seems to be very complicated, but we believe- it is only as complicated as you make it. Start with easy to grow, easy to maintain, indigenous crops, and gradually work your way up to more complicated systems and crops. Considering the social problems we are surrounded by in modern life and the potential hydroponics thrives in solving the problems in a sustainable manner, HYDROPONICS IS THE FARMING OF FUTURE.
Start your hydroponics journey with our DIY-Kits & Accessories. If you’ve tried hydroponics in the past, share your tips with our readers.